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Written by WLE

Every now and then, our editorial team engages in meetings with personalities who embody the essence of WANT through their unique perspectives, visions of a better living, and overall sense of style. And since we think details make the whole difference, here is a questionnaire about the little (and big) things in life.

Photo credit : April Valencia

For this month's feature, WANT had the pleasure of meeting with Severine Tatangelo.

Founder of Studio PCH, a boutique architectural firm based in California, Severine contributed to the international success of the Nobu chain of hotels and restaurants. We wanted to learn more about the woman who has managed to deliver her vision with elegance.

You are originally from Nîmes, grew up in Lyon, and have lived in California for 20 years. Do your French origins and the Californian lifestyle influence your work – both in terms of design and approach?

Absolutely! My approach and inspiration are deeply rooted in my French origins and the Californian lifestyle. Lyon, with its elegance and culinary excellence, instilled in me a love for sophistication and detail. California, with its emphasis on relaxation, indoor-outdoor living, and year-round alfresco dining, influences my designs to embrace openness and natural beauty. I also draw inspiration from the simplicity of Japanese architecture and my global travels, learning something new from each place. Venice, California, where I reside, is a cultural melting pot that embraces new ideas and balances nature with structure. As surfers say, "Ride the wave, embrace the flow," which is how I approach every project.

Has architecture always been an obvious path for you? Where did your interest originate?

My father was in construction, and I watched my parents build our family home from a young age. Accompanying my mother on site visits and bringing lunch to the workers were lessons in relationship building and project management. I always loved drawing, but seeing a complex drawing come to life was transformative. The entire process—ideation, troubleshooting, foundation, structure, and the final build—showed me how designs could enhance how we live and interact with spaces. That’s when I knew I wanted to create spaces that inspire.

Photo credit : with Chef Nobu Matsuhisa, by @studiopch; Turks and Caicos Villa design by @studiopch, render by @craft_cg

When you embark on a new project, what are the first questions you ask yourself? Is there a guiding principle that directs your approach, any essential parameters you consider?

Where is the light? Who will fill the space? Who is it for, and who is it meant to serve? What can the space accomplish? These questions guide my design process to ensure the space is functional, welcoming, and filled with natural light. Obviously, things change during the design process to satisfy different needs, but I always start with the light.

You create spaces that promote the well-being of the people who occupy them. How do you envision the future in this regard?

While technology plays a significant role in our lives, it should enhance our connection with nature. Biophilic design, which integrates natural elements to foster well-being, is crucial. I believe in using technology to anticipate needs and facilitate harmony with nature. Designing with a long-term perspective is essential—homes, hotels, and meaningful spaces evolve over time with their occupants. Leaving room for adaptability ensures the design remains alive.

Photo credit : Nobu Los Cabos, by @pionfotografia

My main character trait: Determination

The thing that makes me angry: Lack of common sense

My hidden talent: Ordering for the table.

One thing that amazes me: How light can make a whole space; How the light is different everywhere in the world.

What my friends would say about me: Does she ever sleep? Will she ever be on time?

The quality I appreciate most in others: The ability to stay true to yourself.

The smell that moves me: Ravintsara essential oil

The noise/sound I like the most: Water

The gesture that comforts me: A smile

The dish I could eat every day: I go by phases. Now it’s avocado on rye bread with sardines, feta cheese, and cilantro, but in general, you can never go wrong with cheese. 

The ritual that makes me feel good: A cold plunge and Tuesday night dinners with the same girlfriends for the past 3 years.

If I had a superpower, it would be: Stopping time

What I believe in the most: You’re responsible for your own choices.

How I imagine myself when I’m older: Hot and rested!

I will never forget: Dancing with Paul McCartney.

The place where I can see myself living (and why?): Los Angeles, New York, Rome, Mexico and Paris.

My dream travel destination: I'm usually able to make my dream destination come true. My dream would be to spend several weeks in the same location.

Photo credit : Nobu Warsaw, Fitness & Spa at Nobu Santorini, and Nobu Ryokan Hotel, Malibu, by @pionfotografia and @studiopch

My greatest passion: My work. Designing space where amazing things can happen. One thing that hasn’t changed is the excitement and pride I feel when a project is completed. The same joy I felt watching my father build our house stays with me every time we finish a project. It’s crucial to keep moving forward but equally important to pause and reflect on the journey and the achievements.

The song that soothes me: Valerie, by Amy Winehouse. I listen to both versions depending on my mood (the acoustic and the Mark Ronson one).

What I love to do most in my free time: Dinner with friends.

My favorite book: Bel Ami, by Maupassant, and Et devant moi la liberté : journal imaginaire de Charlotte Perriand.

My favorite WANT product(s): The Kelowna Weekender Bag 

The project that posed the most difficulties and how I overcame them: My current Nobu project – Patience and attention to details pave the way.

What I love most about my job: Interacting with clients of all different backgrounds. Everyday is different, the challenges, the outcome. 

The cause that resonates with me: Homelessness

An anecdote about behind the scenes of a professional project: I got hox boxed in a certain Hip Hop artist’s van while I was on deadline.  

The project/collaboration of my dreams: A wellness center

The accomplishment I am proud of: Bringing International trainees to California and providing opportunities.

Photo credit : Severine by @pionfotografia

Follow @severinetatangelo and@studiopch on Instagram to know more about her inspirations, her looks, her travels, her projects, and more.